The Birthday Boy

KO'd (The Only Post w/o a photo)
August 2005:
Eye of the Tigers (Ranking the Rocky movies)
5 Movies that ruined my weekend
September 2005:
Fwd: E-mails (The 1st Friday fwds)
The Return of the SI Cover Jinx
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
De ja dudes: Brady and Vinatieri do it again
The Jennifer Garner Red Sox quiz (The 1st in the short lived Hollywood Minute segment)
Red Sox, mostly dead turn to Miracle Max
October 2005:
UB's A-Z of favorite fake schools
Howard Dean doesn't want Bush playing hide the salami
UB's list of great Halloween flicks
Lois Lane keeps getting better looking
The Best of Treehouse of Horror
November 2005:
Veterans Day: The best of fictional veterans
Belushi look-a-like contest (Jenn Sterger's 1st appearancece)
Eddie Guerrero joins list of tragic wrestling deaths
The Turkey Bowl, a history of NFL Thanksgiving games
Uncle Buck's Thanksgiving Tradition: Planes, Trains and Automobiles
December 2005:
Tom Brady: SI's 2005 Sportsman of the Year
WWE Raw presents: Christmas Eggnog Match
'Twas the Night Before Christmas...By Terry Francona and Santa's little helpers
The Night Hanukkah Harry saved Christmas
UB's Top 5 Christmas Movies: The Best and Worst of the Rest
"Jesus" shaves: The idiot leaves for New York
January 2006:
Florida State named National Champions
Next on NESN: A kick in the nuts
Bruins brewing for Hollywood finish?
Red Sox pretend to be Three Amigos!
February 2006:
HollyWOOD or Oscar, ribbed for your pleasure
Well it's Groundhog Day...Again
Olymp-blah, bring in the Really Rottens
Another one bites the dust: Pan goes down swinging
President's Day: Best and Worst of the fictional Presidents
Camp Candy (UB's 1st Video)
March 2006:
Oscar Mired? Surprise ending saves boring show
Bonds Blame? Writers need to refocus
F*ckin' Eh!! Did we just lose to Canada?
Screwball: Japan takes it in the Tsuyoshi
St. Patrick's Day: The 10 Best and Worst of "Irish"
World's funniest Prime Minister
Uncle Buck's World (First of the short lived Chowdaheadlines)
Anna Benson's got Kris by the baseballs, O's lining up
RED SOX SIGN CLEMENS (UB's April Fools joke posted on 3/31)
April 2006:
Uncle Buck's Vacation countdown (The Short-lived Vacation series)
May 2006:
Caddyshack Deleted Scenes (Video removed by YouTube thanks to complaints by CBS and MLB)
The 10 Best and Worst Moms from TV and Movies
He Can't do that to our pledges, only we can do that to our pledges
Homer puts video games to good use
June 2006:
Home run flare and pitching despair
Reason # 47628 Fox News is kicking CNN's ass
Miguel Cabrera thinks he's Kelly Leak
Batman is Superman: Ortiz does it again
Pedro Martinez Top 10 Moments with the Red Sox
Today's fun lists (The 1st of Thursday Lists)
July 2006:
Wondering about The Wonder Years
Anchorman "Not Puttin' Up with this Crap!"
UB, thats like every post you ever made!
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