Your Uncle Buck was browsing Carl when he discovered the site had three deleted scenes that were included in the TV version...UB downloaded the videos and put them up on You Tube...If you've never seen them here they are. UB also suggests you check out Carl for lost move stuff from Caddyshack:
In the first deleted scene (after Danny hits the ball in the lumber yard) Carl (Bill Murray) arrives on his mower to give Ty Webb (Chevy Chase) a few pointers:
It all comes down to this roll. Roy Munson, a man-child, with a dream to topple bowling giant Ernie McCracken. If he strikes, he's the 1979 Odor-Eaters Champion. He's got one foot in the frying pan and one in the pressure cooker. Believe me, as a bowler, I know that right about now, your bladder feels like an overstuffed vacuum cleaner bag and your butt is kinda like an about-to-explode bratwurst.
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