Save the Panda

Tale of the Tape:

AKA: Super Crazy, The Predator
Prediction: As the best man Super Crazy will shock the boys by putting Pan ahead of little least until Pan goes to bed at 11pm...
Chances of being locked up: 25/1
Vegas Rating (Drinking + lusting + gambling/maturity): 3 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: Balki Bartokomous
Name: Griff
AKA: Griff-ah, Stupid Gay Griff
Prediction: Away from the wife (not pictured) SGG will most likely blow a good amount of money at the casino. The boys fear SGG drinking too much as he likes to use police restraining moves while drunk.
Chances of being locked up: 100/1
Vegas Rating: 3 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: Brian Griffin

AKA: Boner, Bonehead
Prediction: Bone is the powder, Gaylicks is the fuse. Put them together and you get an explosion. Ever since G-Licks moved to LA, Boner has been counting the days to the reunion.
Odds of being locked up: 10/1
Vegas Rating: 4 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: Boner from Growing Pains

Name: Gaylicks
AKA: L-Dude, Licks
Prediction: As a Vegas vet, L-Dude is the wild card. With the addition of Boner UB has to wonder which craving will conquer L-Dude this time around? The quest for late night companionship or a hot pastrami sandwich...
Odds of being locked up: Even
Vegas rating: 5 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: Beetlejuice from the Howard Stern Show
Name: Meusy
AKA: Lio, Linus
Prediction: Like SGG, Meusy is on the loosey. UB understands he packed a carton of cigarettes with his underwear, flask of whisky and "100 Ways to Beat the House" book.
Odds of being locked up: 7/1
Vegas Rating: 5 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: Skeletor (w/glasses)
Name: Little Tick
AKA: Very Tiny Tick, MicroTick
Prediction: Tick is never shy about throwing money around, whether it is in the casino or chatting with a working girl. If his eyes are half way shut then he's half way done.
Odds of being locked up: 15/1
Vegas Rating: 5 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: The annoying red head from Entourage
Name: Uncle Buck
Prediction: Pain
Odds of being arrested: 3/1
Vegas Rating: 4 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: John Candy
Name: Panda
AKA: Pandamania, the bachelor
Prediction: Normally it would be Pan organizing this whole thing. Since it is not and the boys will be pumping him full of booze for 60 hours in a row, UB has to guess he will end up nude with a napkin over his crotch.
Odds of being arrested: Normally: 50/1, This Weekend: 2/1
Vegas Rating: Normally: 2 of 5, This Weekend: 5 of 5
Celebrity look-a-like: Ling-Ling the Chinese panda

Nice images.. Thanks for the list.
I had a great time browsing through your images, thanks for sharing this.
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