Mike Adams holds WEEI hostage

Mikey used "The Club" he reportedly got as a gift to lock himself in the studio after interrupting that fat bastard Pete Shepherd's 20-20 sports flash (that really only comes when they feel like it, not every 20 minutes). Shepherd, stunned that Adams was interrupting the flash, told Mikey he hated him and he hoped he got hit by a truck. Adams explained the situation, that he had a job offer in Cleveland (It was a good thing those potential employers weren't listening since he repeatedly said 'Cleveland Sucks') and had to know if he had a future at WEEI, that he had a pregnant wife pressuring him. He was flooded with calls from supporters, including businesses such as Modell's Sporting Goods and Jim Koch (himself) founder of Samuel Adams Beer. Mikey reportedly smoked a cigarette and ordered some food during the madness...He did allow the regular commercials to run...Well Mikey gets his first shot at his own show Thursday night, so we'll see how that goes...In honor of his new gig UB just has to pass his congratulations in a way that Mikey would enjoy...

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