The Red Sox got
their asses handed to them Monday night in an embarrassing 13-5 loss at the Giant Bedpan, aka Yankoff Stadium, dropping the 1st of 3 game with the now first place Bronx Bums.

Things started bleakly for the Sox (is that a word?) when in the 1st inning, while the shift was on for Jason Giambi, a wild pitch allowed Melky Cabrera to take 2nd and then 3rd, which was empty from the shift. If that wasn't enough, Sox Catcher Jason Varitek made a week attempt to cover 3rd and then lost a footrace for home as Cabrera scored the Yankoff's 1st run. If you haven't seen the play here it is: (Keep in mind the catcher running around like a headless chicken is going to start the All Star game)
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