Mind boggling
How did these people in charge of the Red Sox get to where they are? Was there a lottery? Are the real lawyers and experts tied up in a closet somewhere? How do the Red Sox make a trade for Florida reliever Guillermo Mota, a 32-year-old pitcher, without getting a physical from him? Your Uncle Buck would like to say this only happens to the Red Sox, but as Darth Marc said, "the Jets and Mets come to mind." When UB thinks about how stupid this move, or lack there of, is the fact that it could cost the Sox Coco Crisp has UB thinking of other great blunders by Boston management:
1978: Don Zimmer passes on Bill Lee in playoff After blowing a huge lead in the division to the Yankoffs, the Red Sox won the last few games to tie New York and force a one game playoff at Fenway. Sox skipper Don Zimmer refuses to pitch Yankoff killer "Spaceman" Bill Lee, who once called Zimmer a "gerbil", instead he goes with Mike Torrez who loses the game on Bucky Dent's home run.
1978: Billy Sullivan suspends Head Coach Chuck Fairbanks before the playoffsWhile the Patriots were celebrating their first AFC East title trouble was brewing as rumors about coach Chuck Fairbanks leaving for the University of Colorado turned into fact just hours before the start of the club's season finale in Miami. Enraged, team owner Billy Sullivan (left) suspended Fairbanks creating a bizarre situation where assistant coaches Ron Erhardt and Hank Bullough each shared the coaching duties against the Dolphins. The result was a lackluster 23-3 loss, which included a knee sprain sustained by QB Steve Grogan in the 2nd quarter. After several days of legal tactics, Fairbanks was re-instated for the Patriots playoff game against the Houston Oilers at Schaffer Stadium. However, the turmoil surrounding their coaching situation swallowed up the Pats and led to a 31-14 trouncing from the Oilers, as the team left the field Chuck Fairbanks was the target of the fans boos.
1996: Dan Duquette decides not to resign Roger Clemens
In his final season with the Red Sox, Clemens went 10-13, thanks in most part to a weak bullpen. He also posted a 3.63 ERA and pitched his most innings since 1991. Not to mention his 2nd 20-K game, this time against the Detroit Tigers. He even was willing to take the home town discount to stay with Boston. Instead Sox GM Dan Duquette let him go and said Clemens was in the "Twilight of his career." Since then Roger has won 4 Cy Young awards, 2 World Series rings, and had 5 years with an ERA under 3.63. He also surpassed the 300 win mark. Oh yeah and don't say the Sox used his money to sign Pedro, because they didn't get Pedro until 1998. They could have had both of them.
2005: The Bruins outsmart themselves
After years of pushing the league for a salary cap, cheap skate owner Jeremy Jacobs and his management team spent the previous years leading up to the lockout cutting the budget, refusing to sign big stars to long term deals to prepare the franchise for the salary cap era. Instead, the new CBA gave every other team a break on those outstanding contracts, making they only have to pay a percentage...Meaning that the Bruins allowed stars to leave and refused to bring new ones aboard for nothing...
Oh yeah, and then there is the Babe Ruth trade, but UB doesn't have to rehash that does he?
Maybe it is time for doctors to do an exam on the Red Sox management:
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