F*ckin' Eh!!? Did we just lose to Canada?

You know UB really didn't want to do this today, he really wanted to focus on a Celtics team that has won 8 of 12, the NFL's new labor deal or that Red Sox players again dominated the WBC (Adam Stern inside the park HR, Jason Varitek Grand Slam), but no, UB has to unveil his top 10 best and worst things about Canada, not counting Hockey. Why no hockey, because that is Canada, that's like saying the best thing about Canada is Canada. That's dumb. Here are the real best and worsts about our frosty neighbor to the north:
The Best:
10. Canadian Bacon:
Not as good as American bacon, but it is still a breakfast meat...
9. You can't do that on Television:
Why You can't do that on television? "I don't know..."
8. Bret The Hitman Hart:
5 time WWF Heavyweight Champion; 2 time WCW Heavyweight Champion
7. The CN Tower:
6. Alex Trebek (w/moustache):
Sorry, "Who is Alex Trebek."
5. Brian Johnson's Girlfriend:
BRIAN: She lives in Canada, met her at Niagara Falls. You wouldn't know her.
4. Montreal:
Just ask these idiots...
3. The Beer:
2. The Comedy (John Candy, Dan Aykroyd circa 1975-1985; Mike Meyers, Jim Carrey, Kids in the Hall):
1. The Women:
10. Health Care:
9. The French Connection:
8. The Mounties:
7. Two Languages: Deux langues:
4. The CFL:
3. Winter:
2. A Coin $1 Dollar Bill:
1. They keep winning at baseball:
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