If you need any more proof that soccer sucks, just take a look at what went down at the finals of the World Cup over the weekend:
1. Fake Soccer fans:`
The World Cup comes around and suddenly everyone cares. Bars get filled, the ratings beat the Masters and Americans cheer for their heritage like they just got off the boat. Give your Uncle Buck a break. This is way worse than the bandwagon jumpers after a team wins the championship. UB is Irish, Scottish, English and German mostly with a lot of other stuff thrown in, but first of all he's an American. So if these "fans" want to pull for a team, how about the country you are living in and call home? UB didn't spend one second cheering for any country that his ancestors came from. Then again he didn't bother cheering for the US team because Soccer sucks.
2. The World Cup MVP is a soccer hooligan
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