Veterans Day: The Best of the Fictional Veterans

Sgt. Slaughter: Pro Wrestling's Drill Sergeant


Captain America: Marvel's Military Superhero
Private Gomer Pyle: TV's Marine Mess-up
Col. Robert E. Hogan: Made Nazi Prison Camps Funny
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: (Full Metal Jacket) "You will not laugh, you will not cry!"
"A jelly donut!!"
Sgt. Michael Vronsky: (The Deer Hunter) Don't ask him to play Russian roulette
"A deer has to be taken with one shot. I try to tell people that but they don't listen. "
Private Benjamin: The Flighty Female in Fatigues
"And I mean look at this place. The army couldn't afford drapes? I'll be up at the crack of dawn here!"
John J. Rambo: (First Blood/Rambo: First Blood Part II) Stallone's veteran pushed too far
"I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!"
Sgt. Rock: Fighting for America in the DC Universe
Private John Winger: (Stripes) "We're soldiers; but we're American soldiers. We've been kickin' ass for 200 years. We're 10 and 1."
"We're all very different people. We're not Watusi, we're not Spartans, we're Americans. With a capital "A", huh? And you know what that means? Do you? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts."
G.I. Joe: Because knowing is half the battle
The Real Heroes:
With all the tragedies and problems in the world right now, we should take some time today to remember the men and woman we turn to whenever there is a problem. When hurricanes strike, or freedom is threatened our soldiers are the first to tie up their boots and put their feet on the ground. God bless you all, good luck and thank you.
amen brother
Good list, but what about Goose? Brother died trying to win a trophy.
Bogus list.
What about Forrest Gump?
Not one John Wayne character....And I'm sorry while they make be true, yet partly fictional, the "Band of Brothers" clan gets the nod all the way.
0311, Maj, USMC (ret)
Major T.J. "King" Kong
what about hawkeye...
what about private benjamin...she was hot!
ooo...capitain america...i could spank one off to him anyday..
Never mind Rambo, What about Col. Troutman his mentor !
what about hannibal
BA Baracus
The Face Man &
Yeah they went AWOL but the war they left in Vietnam, allowed them to fight the war for the underdog in America.
Frank Castle (The Punisher)?
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