Chowdaheads - Sitting on Frog One
Knowledge is Good
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Borat is an X-rated Yackoff Smirnoff


"America, what a country, I love it!!"
Monday, October 30, 2006

It's a different world now for Boston Celtics fans and it will never be the same. Arnold "Red" Auerbach has died at 89 after 56 years with the Cs that has spanned 16 world titles and a legacy as the godfather of not only the Celtics but the NBA. Here are some photos that span the career of Red, but you can also check out these links as UB remembers the most important man in the history of Boston sports:
UB takes on the issue of who was the better coach: Red or Phil?
Keep an eye out for a cameo by Red in this Miller Lite ad from the 80s
In 1950 Walter Brown asks the opinion of the local sports writers and hires Red away from Washington to become head coach of the Celtics. Red ends up taking on just about every job with the team, bringing in players, selling tickets and promoting basketball and the team.

After delivering 9 strait Conference championships and 7 strait NBA titles, Red enters the 1965-66 season telling the rest of the league they get one last shot at knocking him down. As usual Red gets the last laugh, winning his 8th strait title. Career record: 938-479. Though Red is best known for lighting up victory cigars once the game was well in hand, much to the anger of the opposing team, stories of Red tampering with the visitor's locker room and installing new, stiff, nets when playing teams with a good fast break, only expand the legend. What is true was Red's creation of the 6th man, a system of bringing in a would-be starter off the bench early. The NBA soon follows suit and currently awards the 6th Man award every season.
After leaving as head coach Red becomes full time GM. In 1970 Red pulls the infamous "walk out" of a workout by Florida State center Dave Cowens. The move convinces other general managers in attendance that he wasn't impressed. Soon after Red drafts Cowens, who leads the Celtics to titles in 1974 and 1976. Two years later, in 1978, Red spends the 6th pick in the draft on the rights for Larry Bird, even though he knows Bird is returning to Indiana State for his Senior season. Though the Celtics stink in the upcoming season, Bird arrives to claim the NBA Rookie of the Year award in 1979-80 and the biggest single season turn around in NBA history. From there Red trades the
#1 pick in the 1980 draft to Golden State for underachieving Center Robert Parish and the #3 pick. The Warriors take Joe Barry Carroll, Red takes Kevin McHale. Bird, Parish and McHale lead the Cs to the 1980-81 title, before Red picks up Dennis Johnson in 1984 to round out 1984 and '86 title teams.
