It's time once again for Uncle Buck's Hollywood Minute...de de dum de da, do, de dah da do...Thank you, thank you...
Productionweekly.com is reporting that filming on Rocky 6 will begin this December.

Sylvester Stallone will direct and star in the film. The plot reportedly surrounds a retired and lonely Rocky who decides to fight in some local matches to keep his "hand in" the boxing world. Promoters approach Rocky about fighting Heavyweight Champion Mason "The Line" Dixon (and UB thought Tommy "The Machine" Gunn was bad) in a dream bout. Stallone has said he wanted to kill off Rocky at the end of Rocky V (may have been a good idea) but decided not to...will it happen this time?

Are you thirsty? Thirsty for the power of STEVEN SEAGAL!!!!? From the
website: Steven Seagal now can add Energy Drink formulator to a list of talents that already includes veteran actor, singer/songwriter, guitarist, and Aikido black belt. Maintaining an unrelenting schedule that would tire younger entrepreneurs, the 54-year-old Seagal has just completed two movies, Into the Sun and Submerged. His album, Songs from the Crystal Cave, released earlier this year, has already hit the pop charts in Europe.
Lightning Bolt Energy Drink is the result of Seagal's travels in Asia in search of the ingredients believed to keep many locals disease-free for life...

The drink contains 30% Segal sweat...
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