With 5 days remaining in the season Chowdaheads turns to Joe Friday for the possible ways the season could unfold for the Red Sox, Yankoffs and Indians...

Ok bub, I'm gonna break it down for you...it goes like this: If either the Red Sox or the Yankees take a 2 game lead into the weekend series then the other would have to sweep to win the division. The team with the 2 game lead would only need 1 win. Now if either team goes into the weekend with a 1 game lead then the team trailing can win the East with a sweep only. Winning 2 of 3 would make it a tie and force a one game playoff at Yankoff Stadium on Monday.

And if it is a 3 way tie with the Indians for the Wild Card by the end of Sunday then the Red Sox and Yankoffs will play a 1 game playoff for the East on Monday at Yankoff Stadium, and the loser would play the Indians in a 1 game playoff on Tuesday. If it is the Yankoffs the game would be in Cleveland, if it is the Red Sox the game would be played at Fenway.

Now that we've cleared that up, where are the stolen furs!
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