
Opie and Anthony to replace David Lee Roth at K-Rock and WBCN. Shouldn't Sammy Hagar be replacing him?
Woman smuggles grenade into jail in her, um, well in her
Dog gets head stuck in pipe, funny video
Door to door breast exams

The Flintstones want you to smoke up
Bill Belichick comments on upcoming draft, Vinatieri
Adios, Alias
Jack White likes Coke-a-Cola. See the ad here

As UB mentioned the other day the bikini turned 60. Bush meets with Chinese leader. Calls dibs on the last Peking Ravioli, sets relations back 50 years
Philips, makers of TiVo say they will offer a product that would force people to watch commercials instead of zipping thru them. Then they say they won't put them in the TiVo box. They better not
Check out the Seinfeld stick figure cartoon on the bottom right
Want cheaper cable bills? Support this movement
The Sentinel trailer (Also UB just saw Kiefer Sutherland interviewed where he said that the 24 movie will NOT be in real time like the show. Instead it will be a 24 hour period condensed into 2 hours)
Weird fish-human found in Arabian Gulf?
Celtics season finally over
UB never gets tired of watching the Diceman blow up on CNN
This is why UB doesn't skateboard anymore

Attorneys in the Duke rape case say photos will exonerate players
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