More Manny Moaning

According to the Boston Globe Manny Ramirez wants out of Boston. The Globe is citing a soon to be released Sports Illustrated article (8/1) in which author Tom Verducci says Manny is asking to be traded for the 3rd time in 4 seasons with the team. Manny reportedly told Verducci he is unhappy in the limelight off the field in Boston. While spacecase Manny could be serious, even he must realize no one, save the Yankoffs or Mets, would be willing to take on the remainder of his salary. The Red Sox would probably be thrilled to unload Manny's contract, since they have offered him up on wavers the past two years for nothing, they realize any trade talks would have to involve eating a large chunk of Manny's nearly $20-million a year salary. Removing Manny would hurt the line up, but that money could be used to sure up the bullpen and left field (the Red Sox are the only team in Baseball whose worst fielder is in Left). Too bad it will never happen.

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