Barstool Sports

Monday, September 18, 2006

The series that wasn't there

The Boston Red Sox went into "The Giant Bedpan" known as Yankoff Stadium over the weekend for back to back double headers and ended up winning 3 of the 4 games and most of New England didn't even notice.

The Sox won game one on Saturday after a rain out Friday and swept the double header on Sunday. The last time the Red Sox swept the Yankoffs in a double dip: 1976. The last time the Red Sox won 3 games in Yankoff Stadium the same weekend the Patriots beat the Jets in the Meadowlands: 1999.

Sox fans who planned for a much more meaningful series filled out the Stadium seats as the Sox prevented the Yankoffs from clinching the East, at least for now. It was the last series between the two of the season and it's the first time since 2002 that their last series didn't end with one team winning a title. In 2003 the Yankoffs won the AL Championship in 7 games; in 2004 the Red Sox turned the tables to win the AL Crown in 7; in 2005 the Yankoffs clinched the East on the 2nd to last day of the year, while the Sox beat the Yankoffs on the last day to take the Wild Card.

"Eh, they'll be better next year..."


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