Barstool Sports

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So far so good

Well it is 6-6-06. Everyone is panicking, the women who are about to give birth have their legs crossed and are doing the pee-pee dance to prevent Satan's child from appearing. Your Uncle Buck wonders, however, if Satan remembered to count the leap year from a few years back. Looking at the history of 666, however, it looks like there is a lot of history. Wait that didn't make any sense...

And if UB has to see another one of those damn "The Omen" commercial about that crappy remake, UB is gonna hurl pea soup. The original sucked. All UB can say about that one is there better not be a remake of "The Omen 2" on September 9th, 2009.

Besides Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1999 film End of Days already ruined the whole Satan is coming on 666 thing...

So everyone hang in there and keep those bibles close...Aw crap, too late. He signed with the Yankoffs:


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