Barstool Sports

Friday, April 14, 2006


- Top 10 Sports blowups

- Video game music archive. Here is a little quiz (answers below): Name these tunes: Song 1, Song 2, Song 3, Song 4.

- Last night's re-run of the Office included a drunk Pam

- Titanic II: Jack’s Back

- Crucifixion re-enactment

- Paris has an oral fixation. Duh

- Shocknife (DV)

- Superman plays baseball eh? Well how come he didn't use his super speed to get out of the way of a pitch or slide back and crush the ball? And apparently he's a switch hitter, batting from the right in this one.

- Where is this SUPERman!!!??

- Deadspin takes a shot at LT’s Godfather

- Coke BlaK hits NYC

- The Bible in Lego form

- Penguinball

- Feds want Bonds

- NBA franchise looking for a new home?


Song 1: Excitebike

Song 2: Ice Hockey

Song 3: Legend of Zelda

Song 4: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out


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